Georgia Turnham


Our Progress

Paws Stepped


Total minutes walked


of 930 target




I'm taking part in the PAWGUST challenge to raise funds for Guide Dogs. Rain, hail or shine, this August, I will be pounding the pavement!

Guide Dogs have helped me get out of the house with my little man Woodie, my therapy dog who has changed my life since we were placed. As I come out of a period of hospital (which i wouldn't have made it through without my friends and family at Guide Dogs and my beutiful boy), Woodie and I are looking to rebuild my strength  and doing it while showing our support for Guide Dogs - who i wouldn't be here without today.

Did you know it costs in excess of $50,000 to breed, raise and train just ONE Guide Dog?! With thousands of dogs being trained each year, every dollar counts. I need your help so that together, we can create a world where everyone who needs a Guide Dog has a Guide Dog or their assisting counterparts (therapy, court dogs, autism dogs etc). 

Every little bit counts, and i would love if you could spare even the smallest change to help such an important part of my life - as well as the lives of so many others. 

My Achievements

Registered Added a profile picture Donated to myself Shared page on Facebook Shared page via email Halfway to $ target Reached $ target Logged first walk/run Invited a friend

Thank you to my SupPAWters


Peta Nicholson

Way to go Georgia and Woodie you are both rockstars!





Well done Woodie


Christie Mcmillan

What a great thing to do! Let me know if you need a walking Buddy!


Lawrence Beatt

This is an ultra marathon for Woodie 🤣 so impressive, well done both of ya!


Victoria Shorter

Big love from the whole S & B family






Riyush Ghimire


Facebook Donation


Madison Turnham

My Updates

Day 31 - What a way to end it!

Day 31 of Pawgust is here, and as we bring this incredible month to a close, I can’t help but feel a mix of pride and gratitude. Woodie and I started off slowly, still recovering from that tough hospital stay, and faced some really challenging moments, like losing my job. But through it all, this challenge has been a source of strength and growth for me. Even when COVID hit in the last week of the month, we didn’t let it stop us. We pushed through, got back on top of our health, and kept moving forward.

Participating in Pawgust to raise money for others’ health has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Guide Dogs have made such a profound difference for me, and knowing that our efforts can help others in similar situations is incredibly fulfilling. I’m beyond grateful for everyone who supported us, whether through donations or by joining us on walks. Your support has meant the world to me, and I’m more than humbled to have such amazing people around me.

We set an initial goal of 70km, and not only did we exceed that, but we also hammered the way over the top 300km target OOOOOPSSSS. Raising $510.29 was a huge achievement, and I feel proud knowing that this is going to help contribute to training a guide dog, buying almost 4x harnesses, or 7 canes for for someone with low vision or other assistance needs like myself. 

Pawgust was a challenging month, no doubt about it. There were days when it felt like the odds were stacked against us, but the initiative’s impact made every step worthwhile. The sense of community and support we felt was overwhelming, and it kept us going even on the toughest days. Next year, Woodie and I are determined to smash out again our 300km and raise even more.

Thank you all for being part of this journey. Your encouragement, donations, and participation have made a real difference, and I couldn’t have done it without you. Here’s to beating our goals next year even more! This was tough but I'm tougher.

To close it out, Woodie is completely knocked out from all the walking and I'm munching on my well deserved cheesecake – I can’t wait to see the look on his face when I tell him we’re doing round two next year! ??

Day 29 - Meet my friend Taegan ?

Day 29 - almost there!!! I could not believe it again after my friend Taegan made me get up and go out to the city for the work day again! I thought that the whole 'mum being sick', 'work from home' factors would really go in my favour here but apparently not... Suitably unimpressed. 

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut it was okay in end. I got to have lunch and a sunny walk in Hyde Park - and we stopped and took this photo together. I was so happy, you can tell I was having fun!
Then, Taegan brought her nieces around and we all went out together! It was really cool and they showed me all sorts of things around the trees and the grassy parks I NEVER knew! Although, I will admit, I was not overly impressed that my new friends thought I'd climb the tree...

There are only two things I will climb trees for in this world.
1. Sleep
2. Food.

Back home after all that adventuring and boy am I tuckered! 
Enjoy this photo of me and my new friend, It's been so much fun hanging out with her! We're going to be friends for life!

Day 28 - This is my bed, and the floor is also my bed.

Sorry hooman, I thought that mum getting sick meant I could slack off. Apparently not. I love this new environment, and I love finding lots of different places to sleep outside of my bed too. 

I have decided that everything I touch is my bed and is mine. So this is mine, and the floor is now mine...and your lap will also soon be mine...

Day 27 - About last night...

I swear. I only had 1...

These last few days have been awesome. I think mum's balcony should take some tips from Taegans because BOY does it get the sun. I love it, I spent so much of the day lying out there like a little croissant - it was so cool.

Then after work, and after all the fun stuff, we went out to get drinks after and to be honest... i earned that drink and i've put in the hard yards this month!
So before you judge, think about poor little me, who works each day without pay (only love, and that doesn't pay the bills...mum does ?) - always on my feet and always clocked on - I deserved the drink! And the following one after that, and the one after that, and the one after that....oh, now i see where I might've gone wrong...Oh well! Not every month you walk like a goodest of boys

Day 26 - This is new!

In my new surroundings while mum is getting better, I got to go and hang out with my new friends. I really like hanging out with them and they don't make me wear the cone as much as mum does (shhh its great!) ? Tonight instead of walking we swapped it out and went and I got to see what it was like to do rock climbing! I don't know why mum wants to walk all the time, hanging upside down looks so much cooler.... although, not sure I have the body for it so I'll just watch and judge silently. Silently, but with my eyes giving you harsh criticism. XOXOXO woodie out

Day 25 - Ooops!

Looks like mum and I are going out this challenge the way we came in! Sick!!

Mum got a nasty cough today so won't be able to take me out and around like normal - I took care of her all day until she organised some lovely people to take me away for a week or a little bit. Its really nice at their plce and I'm getting lots of new toys and sights to play with and see ?

I miss mum, but she did a good job packing my things up! This was me all ready for my sleep over ?

Day 24 - I can pick things up now mum!


I'm really liking the concept of this movie night thingo... you just sit there and watch a tv show or movie for ages, until you can't stay up! It's the ULTIMATE luxury my furry friends and it also means we get extended snuggles and I get to hang out with others and have them dote on me....??????

Other than that, I safeguarded the house when mum went to the cafe, and got to see one of my bestest friends too - it was fun! Although she caught me while I was watching the food network and I didn't ever find out the 5th secret to making a perfect souffle ?

Its okay though...I can now confidently pickup my toys with this silly cone on!

Day 23 - More walks…less cone?

Today I learnt a trick! If I walk more I don’t need to wear a cone ? Mind blown ? 

To make sure I get less cone now I’m happier to take mum out, so today we did just that - and I walked her to the doctors, past my favourite vets (where I got belly scratches) and then back to hang out with my neighbours and watch movies!!

My snores were almost as loud as the movie! I’m cone free while we hang out because mum is letting me keep my cool persona. Lots of hooman jokes but I don’t get them… oh well. Tomorrow a Saturday! It means I get to hang out for a bit with one of ny friends - I wonder who it’ll be ?

This was me and mum on our walk tonight ? I like our evening walks!!

Day 22 - The cone has its advantages...

It's not all doom and gloom! So after first getting scared by the sound of the velcro on my new accessory (I'm making a fashion statement)...mum has found a workaround...just shoving it on my head and pulling it off like my collar...How fantastic ?At least I've learned how to eat and drink while wearing it so it's less fussing around, but i still haven't yet got the hang of walking around without hitting the walls or door at home.

But it got better - there are perks to the cone! It's not all shameful! Mum felt bad for me having to wear it - although she does laugh at me a lot when i'm trying to navigate around the house for some reason... - so she let me sleep in and go on a shorter walk ? She did the same in the evening AND took me out to watch my friend play their soccer game! I don't know why the players didn't hold onto the ball more, I could certainly chase after it. Maybe they want me as a player?....oh wait, it may be a lot of running...nevermind, I'll sleep on the mat on the side mum brought me ?

The BEST part of my day though was getting to see one of my bestest friends with mum at lunch! We got THE COOLEST LEAD, it came all the way from a cyber security conference in Vegas! Here I am with it and my silly cone - but i think the lead makes the cone so much more bearable. It's going to be my main lead from now on!

I'm snuggling with mum now, She's giving me lots more snuggles now I'm not feeling well. But hey, she owes me heaps for this stupid headgear. Having to wear it actually makes me look forward to going for walks because she gives me free time without it?I never thought i'd say I was excited to move.

Day 21 - What...the....heckle hackle.

What the actual heck happened today. Somehow I went from being on a great long walk in the awesome morning blue sky, really warm, to one of my favourite places - but somehow she put this on me.

I did not sign up for this.
This was not what we discussed when we said we were going for walkies.. You have tricked me mother and I am deeply disappointed. Its okay though, I still got to see my favourite people and I got lots of extra treats. Mum and I then got to take it off and go for a nice walk in the lunch sun and we did some important work dropping off medicine to grandpaw.

Mum let me sleep all afternoon, and we finished our pawgust day today dropping in to see my friend Fella at Guide Dogs and walking grandma home from there. Now i'm snoozing with mum but trying to cuddle with this cone is VERY difficult!

Day 20 - The audacity mother.

I have no words to describe the betrayal I felt today. 
First of all - I WALKED MOM TO THE VET. Like the goodest boy I am I made sure she got there on time.
How was I repaid may you ask? She got granpaw to put my feet medication on!

Then mum and I went for a walk at lunch and you'll never believe what she did. In fact I'm still coming to grips with it...She....she....she held another dog. IN FRONT OF ME. AND DROPPED MY LEAD TO DO IT. AND SAID HE WAS A CUTE BOY. The absolute audacity.

But... Guide Dogs today partnered with Black Hawk, and because they had lots of special goodies, grandma got me some treats and joined me and mum for a walk at lunch to their favourite sandwich shop!

Then I went to the old home facility to go and get patted by everyone there - its always so much fun spending time with them and just sleeping while i get pats and attention. I couldn't leave without my toy seal though - no matter how official I was dressed up!

When i got home from that, Mum took me for a walk where i ended up seeing aunty madison at the end and driving home because damn was i tired!

Day 19 - All the grand openings & my bestest friends ?

Today I saw SOOOOOOO many grand openings, and one of my bestest friends! Now, while mum made me do a bit of walking today (and I had to go to the vets for my ear medication ?), it was all worth it for the sights i saw and friends I got to hang out with.

We went to the grand opening of the new Metro in the north shore - I made sure mum got from one end of the station to the other where there was a food hall and ALLLLL the different snacks dropped on the floor you could think of!  

After that, mum walked me past the grand opening of her favourite sandwich shop - she's very excited because its 300m away from us! She's been waiting a while but when I asked if I could try some when she went she just...laughed....

Then I got to sleep, and mum let me sleep alll afternoon, until one of my bestest friends came over! We hung out and I showed her how to take the insides of a toy out and spread them around! This was apparently not as useful to them as I thought it would be...Tough nuts to crack... Now i'm snoozing and drifting off. But before I go i wanted to say a HUGE thank you to the anonymous donator (and everyone who's donated) who have helped me achieve my Pawgust fundraising goal. Mum is so proud of her network, and we're only at day 19! I'm so looking forward to reaching my goal - one day one paw at a time ?? 

Day 18 - Have you ever pulled an all nighter?

Today was the BEST sunday ever (this week)! Mum let me sleep in because it was drizzly, and I got breakfast and then to go back to sleep. When mum left to go to the cafe she even left me a filled Kong? I only had to wake up when Grand-paw came over, and he helped line allllllll my toys up on my mat for me, and clean my bed too. Then he put me in the car and i got to go see my brother - he's super smart, he even managed to train the humans to give him food early!
What a life.

 I walked mum when she got home, and then escorted her to the shops like the best service doggo I am. I only ate 2 pieces of broccoli off the ground while we were in the produce section - one may say I was quite restrained and classy.

On the way home, we stopped and mum showed me what it means to "do an all nighter"! This is the metro, its grand opening is tomorrow but they were still pouring cement into the ground ??

Day 17 - It wasn't a real kebab...

Wow day 17 was different! I went back on a road trip to see the really big horses again - I was much less scared of them this fact, I almost booped it's snoot at one point ??

I went crazy rolling in the grass that smelled like horse poo in the field - aunty recorded me doing flips and wiggling on my back, but mum wasn't impressed. I quite frankly was disappointed she didn't see I was simply training to do olympic breakdancing, or rhythmic gymnastics. I was going to be a star!

Then i came home and mum took me for our evening walk, we found a really yummy looking kebab but mum had to tell me a heartbreaking revelation...It was just a painting. Never have I ever been more disappointed in a Kebab.


Halfway through the Guide Dogs Australia PAWGUST fundraiser, and I’m wagging with excitement—boy, is it tiring though! She thought more walks would tire me out. Joke’s on her—now I’m snoring loud enough to wake the neighbors! Sweet revenge, hooman!" ??

But in all seriousness, this fundraiser is about more than just walks—it's about giving independence to those who need it most. A huge thank you to all my two- and four-legged friends for your incredible support. Together, we're making a real difference! ?????

Day 15 - Good people have good people ?

Today was awesome. 
I got to play with my brother, sleep in instead of go out in the rain for an early morrning walk, see my friends and my mum's friend, and go to coles to pick up my mums friend a present.

We love sharing our love and today we got to do that. Im snuggled up with mum now ready to hit the hay. For whatever reason mum keeps saying that 'one thing was still on command when she was trying to get this photo but that it wasn't me!'

How dare she.

Anyway - this was kaya toast. I had kibble but mum had kaya toast with her friend, and they both loved it so she surprised her friend by getting her a jar. I don't think this means I should be the one who has to pose though...

Day 14 - 2 weeks down and its the best day yet!

2 weeks in and I FINALLY got my dream day! It rained - so i spent most of my day sleeping on the couch? That was going great until mom decided to walk me to quick quicks in the rain, and then take me down to the garage to play with the ball...AND she walked me in the drizzle.

Mum - I'm simply to beautiful to be walked in the drizzle. Who do you think I am...?

Anyway this is today's ace photo of me - I'm TERRIFIED by the ball...IT WAS COMING IN HOT AT MY PRETTY PRETTY FACE.

Day 13 - It's...RAIN

Oh thank god...I thought the rain would NEVER COME. This means that mum and I didn't have to do long walks, but she still made me move my bum! We played a bit in the garage and went to the old folks home to say hi to my friends there. It's really fun going in to see them, I get to wear my 'Service Dog' vest and just get free pats from everyone! They even just want me to sit on the sofa in the sun! I thought that was hard work....but i love it!

This was mum and I in bed before my loooooooooong day of being the goodest boy there is

Day 12 - Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom!

Day 12 and almost halfway there through the month!
Mum didn't feel much like going outside today, and it was also raining, so we stayed in and she took me on longer quick quicks walks instead later that night. 

Even though she wasn't feeling well, mum still laughed when i acted out this lion king quote! The big cat thingy said to the little cat thingy about land and light on this big thing called 'pride rock' - and i thought it was funny because i looked like the dog version of them! She caught me watching it after it came on TV when she went to the shops, and by the time she was back i was halfway in to my introduction to the magic that is disney animations ?????

xoxo woodie out 

I like shorter walks mum. Maybe we could stick to doing that...?

Day 11 - Don't make a foal of me!

So today mum had some work to do, so one of my walks was with a horse! Holy heckles, this thing was huge! I was so cool, calm and collected though (as you can see). I walked straight up to ask the big horse "why the long face" it was HAY-LARIOUS.

But then he breathed on me and I freaked out and jumped back. But it was fun, i ended up running around in circles and doing zoomies. Something so freeing about the tucking of a bum as you zoom through the wind ??


Day 10 i got to hang out with my favourite friends! Finally while mum worked and paid my for rent and medications - life is great living as a pup rent free, free meals and free cuddles all day...I got to hang out with my best friends. 

We went on road trips, i got to sleep, AND we got to go on SLOW walks! Mum could learn a thing or two here... I even got to sit and be driven for pawgust.


Day 9 - she lied!

Today on day 9 I was shocked - after the bestest day at Guide Dogs HQ with my pup pals (and I met my aunty ?) I thought I’d been given the world … even aunty Madison was here! BUT aunty Madison and I - as you can clearly see - NEED HELP - IT DID NOT FEEL LIKE IT WAS SHORTER. THAT’S WHY AUNTY MADISON WAS HERE - WE’VE BEEN DUPED. I have only ever been this outraged one other time - and that was when mum asked who was a good boy - like clearly it’s me - did you hit your head or something? ?

Day 7- I've had enough.

May I have it be said on the record that I know woodie isn't a fan of walking, but boy did i not know he was this little a fan!!

After hearing of our pup-dated walking target, the wood-mister took to the streets to let his frustration be known...HE GOT THE PAWDOMETER RUN OVER.

Now woodie claims it just 'slipped' off his collar, but I know he had other intentions...those eyes don't fool me...
Guess we're now basing it off my steps to km app (thank you iphone)...

To his beautiful puppy raisers...(hello i hope its not too cold!) We were never going to get a boy who you could take on runs - we can barely get him for the walks! ?

This was the culprit when we finally tracked down the lost pawdometer! He doesn't look an ounce sorry!

Day 6 - Does it still count...? my bestest friend Lawrence has said "this is a marathon" for me. I prefer to walk to the food bowl, find my best and munch a toy - i did not sign up to walk fast or long. No sir.

BUT today in my Pawgust walk and adventures, I went on a MOVING escalator for the second time eveeerrrr! I think it still counts if i get carried right? My paws need to be saved for the walking, not the uncomfortable metal grates of the escalator - especially if you want me to walk 300km...

 Thanks grand-paw for carrying me - it was pretty cool - i felt like I was flying!

Day 5 - Walking with familiar friends!

Today the walk was much needed! Mum had my 'Medicine Monday' where she gave me all 3 icky things that the silly vet gave her instead of treats! My paws, ears and mouth got yucky medicine! 

I HAD to stride and power walk the heckle hackle away from mum after that! 

Today on our walk I just had to stop in front of this sign - there was a local coffee shop at the end of a long walk around my area and it had the same name as one of my bestest friends!! ? I wanted to send her a photo so i made mum stop and i posed and looked real proud next to it to make sure mum got my good side and we could send it :D  

Looking forward to day 6 - I'm doing one walk in the morning to escort mum to her hooman vet appointment! I like walking with her in the morning along the street - we love being in the hustle and bustle. I always make sure she gets to her appointments and home feeling okay - when she feels sad I boop her hand with my nose as we walk back - it always makes her laugh ??

Peace out team - Woodie!??



Mum took me to a shopping centre for day 4 so that we could take advantage of the broken escalators! I'm not very good at these big things yet, they feel funny under my paws so I get a bit scared... BUT - nothing that ZERO movement and HEAPS of treats can't fix ? Mum was very proud of me, she loves it when I do escalators and we loved the walk together.

But we think we read the pawdometer wrong today so ignore my paws stepped!

Day 3 - Guest Appearance!

WoW! Day 3 brought with us a guest appearance - my Aunty madison joined us for the walk today! She was like me, we both thought mum's stroll was more a marathon! HELP! Aunty Madison also helped wear the bandana for me! It looked better on her than it did on me.

We had lots of fun with aunty madison and hope she comes on another walk soon! Mum promises it'll be shorter...

Woodie out! 

Day 1 (Properly)

We’ve just braved the cold and completed our first walk! Please supPAWt us! 

Woodie is definitely not vibing us picking winter to take this challenge on, but we wouldn't have it any other way! 

Today we got Woodie's paw-dometer strapped on him and he did a whopping 17,000+ steps (although, divide by 4 etc. - can't give the slow boy too much kudos ?)

We are so excited to take this initiative on and raise money in support of Guide Dogs, who have changed not just my life but so many others. Looking forward to more updates! For now, here's the end of the lifecycle from woodie happily enjoying his Pawgust Bandana, to a look of confusion when he was told he couldn't just look good he had to also go outside, followed by him hiding underneath! Very productive session. To be fair, it was 12 degrees!

To make sure we kicked it off pro-paw-ly, we removed and restarted all our steps and stuck it in fresh right from the start! Another reason Woodie wasn't too happy with me ??

Catching up after some time lost!

I just uploaded my daily steps from the last week and a half. I've been taking some time to myself and find that walking has helped and been a significant coping mechanism to keeping my head and mind occupied...woodie isn't so pumped!

These may be accurate or inaccurate depending on how you take the apple iphone step in-built step counter which i took and put into an online calculator to get the distance!

First practice commute done!

Woodie and I kicked off our wild pawgust adventures today practicing our commute back to work (and walk in the city) for when we get back to working and being in the full swing of things! 

What a chilly morning! Woodie wasn't keen on walking today!

Your tired should feel what i feel!

Big smiles after working on our ward walk! That was a solid 200 steps and HE thinks he can be tired (or he's just smiling because its over)

Where our late beginnings started!

Woodie is helping our admin from the hospital bed, he;s very engaged and wants to hear about everything going on!

Where our late beginnings started!

We’ve been taking our steps in the ward I’ve been in and am just about to go home soon from! While my steps haven’t been big now that I’m allowed to walk he told me he thought it was time we put the mandatory laps of the ward to good use! ? he’s been by my side on a few now ??
I then rewarded him by lining his food along his back and paws to practice ‘leave it’ - I was bored and he wanted treats, so he had to do something to earn them!! ?