Top Walking Tips from previous PAWGUST PAWticipants

1. Schedule it in! Do mornings or pre-dinner walks, these seem to be the best times weather wise.

2. Plan your walking routes to ensure you get your full 30 minutes in.

3. Go on different adventures on the weekends when you have more time. Do something different - your dogs nose will love the new smells!

4. Get out there rain, hail or shine! You committed, people have donated to you and you are helping others. You can do it!

5. Mix up your walking routes and time of day to keep it interesting - for everyone!

Set yourself goals

There are no rules as to how many goals you set or how big or small your goals are, but make sure to set yourself S.M.A.R.T goals. These are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time based. Your PAWGUST goal is to walk every day, but if this seems daunting try breaking it down into three 10 minute walks per day - this will keep you on track and ensure you reach your goal.

Organise your schedule

I know what you're thinking; you don't know if you'll have time to walk 30 minutes a day. That's where you're wrong! At the start of each week pull out your phone and add walk reminders into your calendar. Book in walks each day at a consistent time. If you book them in (just like you would book in a doctor’s appointment) it will be much easier to stick to it.

Do exercise you enjoy

Whether it be a power-walk around the local park, a casual evening stroll or a run at the local dog park - start off doing things you and your dog enjoy! Don’t force yourself to do things that you don’t like - keep it fun and you'll both find it much easier to stick to your goal.

Create a virtual team with your FURiends

Having a friend, family member or colleague as part of a virtual team means you've got supPAWt to encourage and motivate you. This is the key to your success! Set a time with your FURiends or family members and everyone head off on their virtual walk at the same time - it will keep you motivated and give you something to look forward to. Plus, you can even set goals within those walks to spark some friendly competition and help you to keep improving!

Take your time

Remember it is not a race and everyone has their own pace. Nobody goes from sitting on the couch to being an elite athlete in a month and that is okay! Don’t forget – slow and steady wins the race!