Lauren Crees


Our Progress

Total minutes walked


of 930 target




I've gone barking mad and I'm taking part in the PAWGUST challenge to raise funds for Guide Dogs Australia.

Rain, hail or shine, this August I will be walking every single day!

Did you know it costs in excess of $50,000 to breed, raise and train just ONE Guide Dog?! And with thousands of dogs being trained each year, every dollar counts. I need your help so that together, we can create a world where everyone who needs a Guide Dog, has a Guide Dog. 

Please make a donation to support my challenge today. Every bit counts. 

My Achievements

Registered Added a profile picture Donated to myself Shared page on Facebook Shared page via email Halfway to $ target Reached $ target Logged first walk/run Invited a friend

Thank you to my SupPAWters


Julie Crees

Go Julie & Polly


Lauren Crees


Anastasios Demiri


Caryn Avelsgaard

Lauren! I hope your foot heals quickly!🙏 All the best in hitting your goal.


Coles Ocean Grove

This is a donation from Coles Ocean grove


Jennifer Furphy

Go Liz and Polly with Julie’s help xxx

My Updates

Scott the Wonderdog

Scott was our first ever Guide Dog puppy. We got him at 7 weeks old and raised him at a school where he decided he’d rather stay and be a support dog to all the children at the school instead of having to work so hard to learn all the ins and outs of guiding. 
Instead he helped raise and train Guide dogs Karina, Granby and Ilka and therapy dog Effie and help temp care many others.
He participated in many Pawgusts with both me and my mum and was going to be talking a more relaxed participation this year passing on the torch of cold walks everyday to Polly he’s little partner in crime.
Unfortunately earlier this week Scott became very sick and he unfortunately passed away a week before his 12th birthday.  So this Pawgust is for Scott.